Baystate pool supplies and apc

Baystate Pool Supplies and APC is a wholesale company offering swimming pool and spa products.

Information about Baystate pool supplies and apc

Number of employees
691 Concord Ave, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, US

Company Categories

Leisure, Wholesale Distribution, Community and Lifestyle, Swimming Pool, Lifestyle, Spas,

Baystate pool supplies and apc executive employees

courtney neidt

Assistant Branch Manager

lindsey casler

Team Operations Intern

jim mcgaffigan


david cieri

Wholesale distribution

dave dunster

Director of Fulfillment

steven fidler

Assistant Branch Manager

steve towle

Branch Manager

robert baldwin

Information Technology

rick miller

Receiving Manager

peter lewiski

warehouse manager

matthew tilly

Business Management and

jennifer mottol

Experienced General Manager

james hendricks

Branch Manager

james digregori

Accounting Manager

carey colson

Branch Manager

candace york

Assistant Branch Manager

angelo diciacci

Commercial Sales Manager-NE

Frequent questions about Baystate pool supplies and apc

How many employees does Baystate pool supplies and apc have?
Baystate pool supplies and apc has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Baystate pool supplies and apc's industry?
Baystate pool supplies and apc is involved in the industry of wholesale.
Where is Baystate pool supplies and apc headquarters located?
Baystate pool supplies and apc is located in 691 Concord Ave, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, US
What is the website of Baystate pool supplies and apc?
Baystate pool supplies and apc official website at

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