Contro valve

Contro Valve is a industrial automation industrial company located in Brossard.

Information about Contro valve

industrial automation
Number of employees
9610B Ignace St, Brossard, Quebec J4Y 2R4, CA

Company Categories

Manufacturing, Industrial Machinery & Equipment, Affiliate Marketing, Advertising, Sales and Marketing, Industrial, Industrial Automation, Science and Engineering,

Contro valve executive employees

stephan moretti

Vendeur interne

steven beck

Corporate Marketing Manager

sébastien ouell

Sales Manager

lisa marshall

Production Manager

eduardo tavares

Senior Technical Representative

cindy romain

Production Manager

aaron wilson

Technical Sales

Frequent questions about Contro valve

How many employees does Contro valve have?
Contro valve has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Contro valve's industry?
Contro valve is involved in the industry of industrial automation.
Where is Contro valve headquarters located?
Contro valve is located in 9610B Ignace St, Brossard, Quebec J4Y 2R4, CA
What is the website of Contro valve?
Contro valve official website at

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