Sealite pty ltd

Sealite designs and manufactures marine aids to navigation equipment.

Information about Sealite pty ltd

Number of employees
11 Industrial Dr, Somerville, Victoria 3912, AU

Company Categories

Medical Testing & Clinical Laboratories, Manufacturing, Healthcare,

Sealite pty ltd executive employees

clinton harvie

Operations Manager

usha arena

Operations Manager

peter bird

Production Manager

john verryt

Operations & Facilities

dmitri shmatkov

Senior Mechanical Engineer

deb mercer

Senior Accountant

daniel freeland

Systems Team Lead

bruce edgar

Business Development Manager

bronwyn lonsdal

Finance Manager Sealite

val moroz

Senior Software Engineer

shane hyde

Quality Manager

phil baskett

Supply Chain and

Frequent questions about Sealite pty ltd

How many employees does Sealite pty ltd have?
Sealite pty ltd has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Sealite pty ltd's industry?
Sealite pty ltd is involved in the industry of maritime.
Where is Sealite pty ltd headquarters located?
Sealite pty ltd is located in 11 Industrial Dr, Somerville, Victoria 3912, AU
What is the website of Sealite pty ltd?
Sealite pty ltd official website at

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