Christopher kane

GB,Christopher Kane Ltd operates as a luxury designer label.

Information about Christopher kane

luxury goods & jewelry
Number of employees
6-7 Mount St, London, Greater London W1K 3EH, GB

Company Categories

Fashion), READY TO WEAR), Clothing and Apparel), MENSWEAR), Design), WOMENSWEAR), Lifestyle), LEATHER GOODS), Community and Lifestyle), Retail), Commerce and Shopping),

Christopher kane executive employees

alexander proud

Finance Manager

dan major

Finance Director

Frequent questions about Christopher kane

How many employees does Christopher kane have?
Christopher kane has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Christopher kane's industry?
Christopher kane is involved in the industry of luxury goods & jewelry.
Where is Christopher kane headquarters located?
Christopher kane is located in 6-7 Mount St, London, Greater London W1K 3EH, GB
What is the website of Christopher kane?
Christopher kane official website at

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