Small parts inc

Small Parts is a retail company specializing in hardware, parts, tools, and materials.

Information about Small parts inc

Number of employees
600 Humphrey St, Logansport, Indiana 46947, US

Company Categories

Retail, 3D Printing, Distributor, Manufacturing, Commerce and Shopping,

Small parts inc executive employees

anjanette downs

Director of Human

robert turnipse

Quality Manager

norman rivard

Vice President sales

mike curl

Director Inside Sales

michael jordan

Business development-Mexico

keith powers

Senior set-up

kathy anderson

Pricing Manager

josh bonnel


john curl

Account Manager

grace guerendia

Customer Service Manager

clay jackson


bob pritchett

Business Development Manager-Small

rosaisela b.

Human Resources Manager

Frequent questions about Small parts inc

How many employees does Small parts inc have?
Small parts inc has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Small parts inc's industry?
Small parts inc is involved in the industry of retail.
Where is Small parts inc headquarters located?
Small parts inc is located in 600 Humphrey St, Logansport, Indiana 46947, US
What is the website of Small parts inc?
Small parts inc official website at

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