
OptimisCorp works to improve the consistency and quality of care delivered by health care professionals by providing them with software.

Information about Optimiscorp

health, wellness and fitness
Number of employees
225 MANTUA Rd, Pacific Palisade, California 90272, US

Company Categories

Healthcare, Fitness, Sports, Healthcare Software, Health Care, Software Development & Design, Wellness, Software,

Optimiscorp executive employees

holger beckmann

Senior Systems Engineer

tiffany manning

Chief Operating Officer

chris katz

Chief Information Officer

melinda wilson-

Supervising Senior Accountant

janna esparza

Insurance Collection-Team Lead

cathie gentry

Director of Marketing

brandon barker

Executive Vice President

Frequent questions about Optimiscorp

How many employees does Optimiscorp have?
Optimiscorp has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Optimiscorp's industry?
Optimiscorp is involved in the industry of health, wellness and fitness.
Where is Optimiscorp headquarters located?
Optimiscorp is located in 225 MANTUA Rd, Pacific Palisade, California 90272, US
What is the website of Optimiscorp?
Optimiscorp official website at optimiscorp.com

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