
Prefixa is an engineering and software development company for 3D data visualization for Web, Mobile and Desktop platforms with emphasis.

Information about Prefixa

electrical/electronic manufacturing
Number of employees
1250 Borregas Ave. Ste. 14, Sunnyvale, California 94089, US

Company Categories

Software Development & Design, 3D cameras, Software, Industrial Dimensional Inspection, 3D scan,

Prefixa executive employees

niko nikolas

Managing Director

matías peraza


martin baillarg

Account Director

javier romano

Technical Leader

fernanda manca

Manager of Sales

amy ratliff

Human Resource Manager

Frequent questions about Prefixa

How many employees does Prefixa have?
Prefixa has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Prefixa's industry?
Prefixa is involved in the industry of electrical/electronic manufacturing.
Where is Prefixa headquarters located?
Prefixa is located in 1250 Borregas Ave. Ste. 14, Sunnyvale, California 94089, US
What is the website of Prefixa?
Prefixa official website at

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