Kai research

KAI Research is a full-service contract research organization (CRO) and health research company.

Information about Kai research

Number of employees
11300 Rockville Pike Ste. 500, Rockville, Maryland 20852, US

Company Categories

Management Consulting, Biotechnology, Health Care, Data Management, Business Services, Pharmaceuticals, Clinical Trial Management, Data Standards and Data Warehousing, Medical Communications, Pharmacovigilance and Safety, Quality Assurance, Risk Management, Clinical Registries, Statistical Analysis and SAS Programming,

Kai research executive employees

uma ragunathan

Manager Data Management

selma kunitz

Founder Senior Scientist

selma kunitz

Founder and Former

rene kozloff

Founder and Senior

jan pierre

QA Director

betsy knight

Sr. CRA Manager

wendy nussbaum

Director Human Resources

Frequent questions about Kai research

How many employees does Kai research have?
Kai research has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Kai research's industry?
Kai research is involved in the industry of research.
Where is Kai research headquarters located?
Kai research is located in 11300 Rockville Pike Ste. 500, Rockville, Maryland 20852, US
What is the website of Kai research?
Kai research official website at kai-research.com

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