Kessinger/hunter & company

Kessinger/Hunter & Company is a full service commercial real estate firm headquartered in Missouri.

Information about Kessinger/hunter & company

commercial real estate
Number of employees
2600 Grand Blvd. Ste. 700, Kansas City, Missouri 64108, US

Company Categories

Real Estate, Brokerage, Development, Property Management, Tenant Representation,

Kessinger/hunter & company executive employees

bruce berry

Senior Property Manager

elizabeth zahn

Senior Property Accountant

jennifer pengli

Property Manager

tasneem qureshi

Director of Engineering

lisa stang

Property Management

joy knust

Senior Property Manager

brandi schneide

Senior Property Manager

shawn west

Director of Engineering

paul baird

team leader

lynn provias

Property Manager

leslie perkins

Sr. Property Manager

kelly barton

Director of Property

jon rice

Director of Security

john dehardt

Managing Principal

jennifer mckinn

Property Manager

janet wickham

Property Manager

gail tieman

Property Manager

edward feltman

Senior Property Manager

debbie buckley


dave lingo

Director of Operations

dale mutchler

Director Public Sector

clint arnett

Senior Property Accountant

Frequent questions about Kessinger/hunter & company

How many employees does Kessinger/hunter & company have?
Kessinger/hunter & company has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Kessinger/hunter & company's industry?
Kessinger/hunter & company is involved in the industry of commercial real estate.
Where is Kessinger/hunter & company headquarters located?
Kessinger/hunter & company is located in 2600 Grand Blvd. Ste. 700, Kansas City, Missouri 64108, US
What is the website of Kessinger/hunter & company?
Kessinger/hunter & company official website at

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