
Devolutions is a provider of remote connections, network accesses, password and credential management tools for network administrators.

Information about Devolutions

computer software
Number of employees
1000 Notre-Dame, Lavaltrie, Quebec J5T 1M1, CA

Company Categories

Software, Engineering Software, Remote Desktop Manager, Software Development & Design, Password Management, Credential Management, Networking Software, Network Security,

Devolutions executive employees

benoit sansregr

Senior Software Developer

marc-andré more

Chief Innovation Officer

luc f.

Development Team Lead

benoit carrier

Project Manager

philippe pare

Senior Software Architect

xavier fortin

Development Team Lead

richer archamba

DevOps Project Manager

yanick berthiau

Account Manager

nicolas dufour

Team Leader Android


Sales Director &

mathieu desroch

Account Manager

denis vincent

Senior Software Developer

Frequent questions about Devolutions

How many employees does Devolutions have?
Devolutions has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Devolutions's industry?
Devolutions is involved in the industry of computer software.
Where is Devolutions headquarters located?
Devolutions is located in 1000 Notre-Dame, Lavaltrie, Quebec J5T 1M1, CA
What is the website of Devolutions?
Devolutions official website at

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