Casa ley s.a. de c.v.

Casa Ley is the leading supermarket chain in northwestern Mexico, currently has more than 180 supermarkets and wholesale establishments.

Information about Casa ley s.a. de c.v.

Number of employees
Carretera Internacional y Calle Deportiva, km1434, Culiacan, Sinaloa 80020, MX

Company Categories

Food and Beverage, Retail, Commerce and Shopping,

Casa ley s.a. de c.v. executive employees

fabián ramos

Director de Seguridad

edgar rodriguez

Director de Recursos

alejandro saito

Chief financial officer

sergio ramirez

Category Manager

simitri bajo

Deputy Director of

Frequent questions about Casa ley s.a. de c.v.

How many employees does Casa ley s.a. de c.v. have?
Casa ley s.a. de c.v. has approximately 10001+ employees.
What is Casa ley s.a. de c.v.'s industry?
Casa ley s.a. de c.v. is involved in the industry of supermarkets.
Where is Casa ley s.a. de c.v. headquarters located?
Casa ley s.a. de c.v. is located in Carretera Internacional y Calle Deportiva, km1434, Culiacan, Sinaloa 80020, MX
What is the website of Casa ley s.a. de c.v.?
Casa ley s.a. de c.v. official website at

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