Kao Collins

Collins Inkjet Corporation is a chemicals firm that provides formulations of water-based, solvent-based, oil-based, and UV curable inks.

Information about Kao Collins

Number of employees
united states

Kao Collins executive employees

yuta matsumoto

R&D Manager-Kao Collins

tori holtman

Senior Lab Technician

stephen s.

Production & Operations

stephen buchana

Inkjet Business Manager

stan nowacki

Product Development

rahul mathur

Product Development

º q

Kao Collins-Executive Vice

mike johnson

Product Development

kristin adams

Marketing Manager

kelly smith

Sales Manager-Inkjet Hardware

john herman

Sales Support Manager

greg duncan

Senior Chemist Product

eric miller

Senior Chemist

ashley n.

Quality Control Manager

amanda borchers

Senior Administrative Coordinator

Frequent questions about Kao Collins

How many employees does Kao Collins have?
Kao Collins has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Kao Collins's industry?
Kao Collins is involved in the industry of chemicals.
Where is Kao Collins headquarters located?
Kao Collins is located in united states
What is the website of Kao Collins?
Kao Collins official website at kaocollins.com

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