Habberstad bmw

Habberstad BMW is a car dealership located in Bay Shore, New York.

Information about Habberstad bmw

Number of employees
600 Sunrise Hwy, BayShore NY, US

Habberstad bmw executive employees

joel sobin

Fleet Manager

marissa natiell

Business Development Manager

amanda tully

Finance Manager

nicholas rocha

Finance Manager

lane harris


joe reis


joe lap

Marketing Manager

donna catapano


Frequent questions about Habberstad bmw

How many employees does Habberstad bmw have?
Habberstad bmw has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Habberstad bmw's industry?
Habberstad bmw is involved in the industry of automotive.
Where is Habberstad bmw headquarters located?
Habberstad bmw is located in 600 Sunrise Hwy, BayShore NY, US
What is the website of Habberstad bmw?
Habberstad bmw official website at habberstadbmw.com

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