Noel Alimentaria is a manufacturer of the best quality meat and sausage products.

Information about NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU

food & beverages
Number of employees
Pla De Begudà, Sant Joan Les Font, Sant Joan les Font, Catalonia 17857, ES

Company Categories

Food & Beverages, Food and Beverage, Traditional Spanish Fine Meats, Food, Beverages & Tobacco, Dinner Kits, Manufacturing,

NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU executive employees

sophie harford

NPD Manager

anabel perona

Technical Manager

Frequent questions about NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU

How many employees does NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU have?
NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU's industry?
NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU is involved in the industry of food & beverages.
Where is NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU headquarters located?
NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU is located in Pla De Begudà, Sant Joan Les Font, Sant Joan les Font, Catalonia 17857, ES
What is the website of NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU?
NOEL ALIMENTARIA SAU official website at

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