Nexlink communications

Nexlink Communications is a wireless company offering wireless devices and accessories.

Information about Nexlink communications

Number of employees
3355 Bald Mountain Rd. Ste. 10, Auburn Hill, Michigan 48326, US

Company Categories

Consumer Electronics & Computers, Remanufactured Mobile Devices, Retail, Reverse Logistics, Mobile Repair & Replacement, Distribution, Enterprise Solutions, Recycling and Reclamation, Software Provisioning, Remanufactured smart phones, tablets and routers, Mobile Equipment Solutions,

Nexlink communications executive employees

daniel susin

Vice President of

trevor kennedy

Director Of Engineering

steve cosgrove

Vice President of

robert reed

Director of Operations

rick johnson

Director Of Operations

peter s

Sales Director

kavim bhaichand

Owner Nexlink Communications

amanda ware

Business Development

roger loeffelho

Warehouse Supervisor

jeff bickley

Procurement Manager

Frequent questions about Nexlink communications

How many employees does Nexlink communications have?
Nexlink communications has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Nexlink communications's industry?
Nexlink communications is involved in the industry of wireless.
Where is Nexlink communications headquarters located?
Nexlink communications is located in 3355 Bald Mountain Rd. Ste. 10, Auburn Hill, Michigan 48326, US
What is the website of Nexlink communications?
Nexlink communications official website at

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