Wps - educational and psychological assessments

A leading publisher of assessments, books, software, and therapy tools for professionals in psychology, education, and allied fields.

Information about Wps - educational and psychological assessments

Number of employees
625 Alaska Ave, Torrance, California 90503, US

Company Categories

Charitable Organizations & Foundations), Education), Publishing Psychological and Educational Assessment Materials), Organizations), Publishing Clinical Support Materials),

Wps - educational and psychological assessments executive employees

jillian s.

Lead Product Designer

joshua mccoy

Lead Data Engineer

ken gong

Technical Lead

linda gerardi

Vice President of

nick jeackjuntr

Vice President Of

rocco cretacci

Director of Infrastructure

sheri stegall

Vice President of

stephanie rober

Business Development Manager

sally jones

Art Director

lisa bouyer

Director of PMO

rajiv bannur

Director of Engineering

leila linford

Editorial Supervisor

laura wallof

Senior Marketing Manager

krishna m.

Senior Cloud Engineer

jason hanakeawe

Design Supervisor

fiona kenna

Practice Manager

ernesto flores

Success is determined

ed pilolla

Marketing Communications Manager

david herzberg

Chief Operating Officer

dalia tawfeek

Senior Graphic Designer

cynthia rivera

Senior Marketing Coordinator

chris gruber

Vice President Western

chelsea guerrer

Project Manager CSM

amber klein

Vice President of

amanda wynn

Vice President of

amanda glover

Strategic & Innovative

Frequent questions about Wps - educational and psychological assessments

How many employees does Wps - educational and psychological assessments have?
Wps - educational and psychological assessments has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Wps - educational and psychological assessments's industry?
Wps - educational and psychological assessments is involved in the industry of publishing.
Where is Wps - educational and psychological assessments headquarters located?
Wps - educational and psychological assessments is located in 625 Alaska Ave, Torrance, California 90503, US
What is the website of Wps - educational and psychological assessments?
Wps - educational and psychological assessments official website at wpspublish.com

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