Millennial Media

Millennial Media has been acquired by AOL.

Information about Millennial Media

marketing and advertising
Number of employees
2400 Boston St. Ste. 301, Baltimore, Maryland 21224, US

Company Categories

Advertising, Advertising & Marketing, Mobile Advertising and Marketing, Sales and Marketing, Business Services, Mobile Monetization, App Marketing, Mobile Data, Brand Marketing, Developer Tools, Software, Mobile, Mobile Advertising, Social Media, Internet Services, Media and Entertainment,

Millennial Media executive employees

john armstrong

Senior Technical Client

masanobu horiya

Senior Software Engineer

james archer

Project Manager

catie gardner

Director GMS Account

pradeep ramacha

Senior Software Engineer

mica olinghouse

Owner Lead Writer

karen nickel

Quality Assurance Manager

john ishmal


dave dempsey

Manager Programmatic Buying

Frequent questions about Millennial Media

How many employees does Millennial Media have?
Millennial Media has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Millennial Media's industry?
Millennial Media is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is Millennial Media headquarters located?
Millennial Media is located in 2400 Boston St. Ste. 301, Baltimore, Maryland 21224, US
What is the website of Millennial Media?
Millennial Media official website at

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