Ob sports golf management

OB Sports Golf Management's golf facilities endeavor to provide their guests with a premier experience with exceptional value.

Information about Ob sports golf management

Number of employees
7025 E. Greenway Pkwy. Ste. 550, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254, US

Company Categories

Sports Teams & Leagues, Hospitality, Recreation,

Ob sports golf management executive employees

brian jones

General Manager

mikael ingram

Guest services manager

tom christy

Vice President Construction

ryan whitney

SVP of Operations

matt schalk

Executive Management

cope garrison

Outside Service Supervisor

chanda mccleese

Director of Retail

andy deiro

General Manager

aj wilhite

Head of Player

david ogrin

Director Of Everything

micah mckinney

Outside Operation Manager

steve nichols

Head Golf Professional

mike conner

Senior VP Operations

sarah burns

Marketing and Sales

matthew long

Sandia Golf Club-General

matt molloy

Sr. Vice President

matt kimball

Director of Agronomy

marty haughian

General Manager Pinewood

mark woodward

Director of Agronomy

mark woodward

Retired Director of

joe madsen

General Manager

jeff schwinkend

Vice President Construction

jed francese

Director of Sales

eric lohman

PGA General Manager

Frequent questions about Ob sports golf management

How many employees does Ob sports golf management have?
Ob sports golf management has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Ob sports golf management's industry?
Ob sports golf management is involved in the industry of sports.
Where is Ob sports golf management headquarters located?
Ob sports golf management is located in 7025 E. Greenway Pkwy. Ste. 550, Scottsdale, Arizona 85254, US
What is the website of Ob sports golf management?
Ob sports golf management official website at obsports.com

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