Idi consulting

IDI Consulting is an adaptable, resourceful team that solves business problems through the practical application of the most appropriate.

Information about Idi consulting

staffing and recruiting
Number of employees
777 Penn Center East Blvd. Ste. 502, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235, US

Company Categories

Management Consulting, Analytics, Business Services, Data and Analytics, Big Data, Consulting, Project Management,

Idi consulting executive employees

dan o'brien

Director Business Development

jerry haughey

Business Development

paul tomei

Vice President and

karen t.

Director Finance

joe carnevale

Transformation & Change

jim walters


jason heinlein

IT Project Manager

brian lynch


Frequent questions about Idi consulting

How many employees does Idi consulting have?
Idi consulting has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Idi consulting's industry?
Idi consulting is involved in the industry of staffing and recruiting.
Where is Idi consulting headquarters located?
Idi consulting is located in 777 Penn Center East Blvd. Ste. 502, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15235, US
What is the website of Idi consulting?
Idi consulting official website at

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