Brown wood inc

Brown Wood Inc. is an industry leader in cost-effective, high quality wood parts, components and assemblies.

Information about Brown wood inc

building materials
Number of employees
7040 North Lawndale Ave, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712, US

Company Categories

Lumber, Wood Production & Timber Operations, Manufacturing, Wood Processing, Building Materials,

Brown wood inc executive employees

terry gross


mark grewe

DOD Director of

kathryn constan

Product Development and

karen piccillo


jeffrey stein

General Manager

elias albert

Online Marketplace Manager

cynthia coker

Accounting Office Manager

chuck cutler

Warehouse and Facility

abu bakar

Owner At Brown

Frequent questions about Brown wood inc

How many employees does Brown wood inc have?
Brown wood inc has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Brown wood inc's industry?
Brown wood inc is involved in the industry of building materials.
Where is Brown wood inc headquarters located?
Brown wood inc is located in 7040 North Lawndale Ave, Lincolnwood, Illinois 60712, US
What is the website of Brown wood inc?
Brown wood inc official website at

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