Grupo miquel

Miquel Alimentaci+¦ Grup, S.A.U., through its subsidiaries, engages in cash and carry, supermarket, franchise.

Information about Grupo miquel

Number of employees
Poligono Emporda Internacional, C/ Germans Miquel S/N, Vilamalla, Vilamalla, Catalonia 17469, ES

Company Categories

E-Commerce, Distribución, Commerce and Shopping, Alimentación, Retail, Mayor mayorista, Mayor detallista, Centros Cash&Carry, Franquicia SUMA y SPAR,

Frequent questions about Grupo miquel

How many employees does Grupo miquel have?
Grupo miquel has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Grupo miquel's industry?
Grupo miquel is involved in the industry of wholesale.
Where is Grupo miquel headquarters located?
Grupo miquel is located in Poligono Emporda Internacional, C/ Germans Miquel S/N, Vilamalla, Vilamalla, Catalonia 17469, ES
What is the website of Grupo miquel?
Grupo miquel official website at

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