Centerpointe hospital

CenterPointe offers care for a wide range of psychiatric disorders in adults and adolescents, and private adult alcohol and drug abuse.

Information about Centerpointe hospital

hospital & health care
Number of employees
4801 Weldon Spring Pkwy, Saint Charle, Missouri 63304, US

Company Categories

Hospitals & Clinics, Mental Health Treatment for Adults, Senior Adults, Children & Ad, Healthcare, Outpatient Clinics treating Mental Health & Substance Abuse, Substance abuse treatment for Adults and Adolescents, Residential Treatment for Chemical Dependency,

Centerpointe hospital executive employees

vito bono

Director of Intake

jordan schneide

Remote Program Supervisor

jennifer rohrbo

Director Of Clinical

jean campbell

Vice President of

frank cook

Director of Facilities

david ohlms

Medical Director CD

danielle wildin

Case Manager for

lisa ross

Director Of Nursing

shawna clevenge

Lead Therapist

lisa lueckenott

Chief Nursing Officer

shazia malik

Medical Director Outpatient

shazia malik

Medical Director S

paula sprigg

Human Resources Director

sequoyah primea

Risk Manager

valerie broders

Activity Therapy Manager

kristina kersti

Director of Clinical

jean campbell

Vice President of

frank cook

Director of Facilities

debby monson

Director of Nursing

brian elledge

Utilization Review Manager

Frequent questions about Centerpointe hospital

How many employees does Centerpointe hospital have?
Centerpointe hospital has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Centerpointe hospital's industry?
Centerpointe hospital is involved in the industry of hospital & health care.
Where is Centerpointe hospital headquarters located?
Centerpointe hospital is located in 4801 Weldon Spring Pkwy, Saint Charle, Missouri 63304, US
What is the website of Centerpointe hospital?
Centerpointe hospital official website at

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