Dent neurologic institute

Dent Neurologic Institute is a medical practice specializing in neurologic care.

Information about Dent neurologic institute

medical practice
Number of employees
3980 Sheridan Dr, Amherst, New York 14226, US

Company Categories

Emergency Medical Transportation & Services), Education), Neurology), Hospitals & Clinics), Health Care), Healthcare),

Dent neurologic institute executive employees

jennifer gormly

Senior Accounts Specialist

maria caserta

Director of Marketing

jodi wiatrowski

Clinical Supervisor

christine czech

Chief Operating Officer

amanda mcfayden

Senior Clinical Manager

katie ross

Director of Clinic

teresa bové

Director of Imaging

kristen riley

Imaging Support Manager

kim malicki

Technical Director

melanie green

call center manager

virginia matere

Director of HR

kim malicki

Technical Director

rachel davis

Senior Revenue Cycle

lixin zhang

Medical Director of

kathy gross

Director Facilities Management

fran gengo

Director Neuropharmacology

erica westphal

Project Manager

eric knox

Patient Experience Manager

christine mann

Chief Operating Officer

Frequent questions about Dent neurologic institute

How many employees does Dent neurologic institute have?
Dent neurologic institute has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Dent neurologic institute's industry?
Dent neurologic institute is involved in the industry of medical practice.
Where is Dent neurologic institute headquarters located?
Dent neurologic institute is located in 3980 Sheridan Dr, Amherst, New York 14226, US
What is the website of Dent neurologic institute?
Dent neurologic institute official website at

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