Comintel sdn bhd

Comnitel is a provider of service assurance solutions for the mobile industry.

Information about Comintel sdn bhd

Number of employees
WISMA COMCORPNo. 37, Jalan Pelukis U1/46Section U1, Temasya Industrial ParkGlenmarie, Shah Alam, Selangor 40150, MY

Company Categories

Commercial & Residential Construction, Industrial, Electricity, Oil & Gas, Information Technology, Construction, Mobile, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment, Telecommunications, Hardware,

Comintel sdn bhd executive employees

yek hong

Director of Sales

w.h. yek

Head of Programme

rocklon larry

Software Manager

rei teh

Finance Manager

majid omar

Executive Director Advisor

Frequent questions about Comintel sdn bhd

How many employees does Comintel sdn bhd have?
Comintel sdn bhd has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Comintel sdn bhd's industry?
Comintel sdn bhd is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Comintel sdn bhd headquarters located?
Comintel sdn bhd is located in WISMA COMCORPNo. 37, Jalan Pelukis U1/46Section U1, Temasya Industrial ParkGlenmarie, Shah Alam, Selangor 40150, MY
What is the website of Comintel sdn bhd?
Comintel sdn bhd official website at

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