
TJKM is a civil engineering company offering transportation systems and parking planning services.

Information about Tjkm

civil engineering
Number of employees
4305 HACIENDA Dr, Pleasanton, California 94588, US

Company Categories

Commercial & Residential Construction, Automotive, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Construction, Transportation, Traffic Impact Studies, Consulting, Traffic Signal Design & Timing, Freeway & Arterial Operations, Transportation Planning & Landuse, Parking Planning, Operations & Policy, Travel Demand Modeling, Bicycle, Pedestrian and Transit Studies,

Tjkm executive employees

erik bjorklund

Design Project Manager-Senior

vamsee modugula

Director Travel Demand

rutvij patel

Project Manager

rich haygood

Director of Traffic

nayan amin


michelle macer

Marketing Manager

janice spuller

Project Manager

chris kinzel

Vice President of

atul patel

Director of Design

Frequent questions about Tjkm

How many employees does Tjkm have?
Tjkm has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Tjkm's industry?
Tjkm is involved in the industry of civil engineering.
Where is Tjkm headquarters located?
Tjkm is located in 4305 HACIENDA Dr, Pleasanton, California 94588, US
What is the website of Tjkm?
Tjkm official website at

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