Lenmar Consulting

Lenmar Consulting is a custom software development and cloud solutions provider.

Information about Lenmar Consulting

staffing and recruiting
Number of employees
185 Hudson St., Ste. 1440, Jersey City, New Jersey 07311, US

Company Categories

Management Consulting, Information Technology, Business Services,

Lenmar Consulting executive employees

mindy passner

Senior IT recruiter

mahendran subra

Head-Talent Acquisition

lenny dimentman

President and CEO

kofi anim

Senior IT Recruiter

kathryn dibari

Senior Technical Recruiter

edward m.

Project Manager

Frequent questions about Lenmar Consulting

How many employees does Lenmar Consulting have?
Lenmar Consulting has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Lenmar Consulting's industry?
Lenmar Consulting is involved in the industry of staffing and recruiting.
Where is Lenmar Consulting headquarters located?
Lenmar Consulting is located in 185 Hudson St., Ste. 1440, Jersey City, New Jersey 07311, US
What is the website of Lenmar Consulting?
Lenmar Consulting official website at lenmarit.com

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