Hospice casa sperantei

HOSPICE is the world's largest country bundle offering free of charge specialized services of this type.

Information about Hospice casa sperantei

civic & social organization
Number of employees
11 High St, Otford, Kent TN14 5PQ, GB

Company Categories

Charitable Organizations & Foundations, Health Care, Organizations, Hospital,

Hospice casa sperantei executive employees

magda muntean

program manager

gabriela cozmes

Vice President

daniela mosoiu

Director Education

cristina ghiran

Quality Manager

catalina iacov

Junior Fundraiser la

angela dumitru

Financial Director-HOSPICE CASA

ana dinescu

Fundraising Manager

Frequent questions about Hospice casa sperantei

How many employees does Hospice casa sperantei have?
Hospice casa sperantei has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Hospice casa sperantei's industry?
Hospice casa sperantei is involved in the industry of civic & social organization.
Where is Hospice casa sperantei headquarters located?
Hospice casa sperantei is located in 11 High St, Otford, Kent TN14 5PQ, GB
What is the website of Hospice casa sperantei?
Hospice casa sperantei official website at hospice.ro

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