Citadele banka

Inspire people and businesses to promote economic development and good changes in Latvian and the entire Baltic region community.

Information about Citadele banka

Number of employees
Republikas laukums 2A, Riga, Riga LV1010, LV

Company Categories

Banking, Current accounts, payment cards, Finance, Financial Services, Term Deposits, Lending and Investments, Consumer Loans And Mortgage Loans, Corporate Lending, Guarantees And Letters Of Credit, Private Banking And Concierge Service, Leasing And Factoring, Asset Management, 2nd and 3rd level pension savings, Life Insurance,

Citadele banka executive employees

inese arja

Payment cards project

ilmàrs treikals

Senior Credit Analyst

ilona dobrovols

Loyalty program development

ginta praulina

Talent Acquisition Manager

aivis gusts

Head of Cards

mrtifa 6empe

Senior Data Analyst

nora v+tola

Senior AML Analyst

valda orina

Corporation manager

reinis cakuls

Head of Financial

peter vengher

Senior T24 Technical

liene jegorova

Client Relationship Manager

ieva vaitiekkni

Digital Channels Business

kristine zilite

Head of Risk

irina shevchenk

Head of Reporting

konstantin tvor

Senior System Analyst

Frequent questions about Citadele banka

How many employees does Citadele banka have?
Citadele banka has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Citadele banka's industry?
Citadele banka is involved in the industry of banking.
Where is Citadele banka headquarters located?
Citadele banka is located in Republikas laukums 2A, Riga, Riga LV1010, LV
What is the website of Citadele banka?
Citadele banka official website at

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