DICKEY-john provides testing and controlling equipments.

Information about DICKEY-john

electrical/electronic manufacturing
Number of employees
5200 Dickey John Rd, Auburn, Illinois 62615, US

Company Categories

Test & Measurement Equipment), AgTech), Manufacturing), Agriculture and Farming),

DICKEY-john executive employees

kevin days

Regional Sales Manager

jean wheeler

Director-Human Resources

christopher bel

Senior Embedded-Software

chan chan


brian jones

Manager Forecast and

tom titone

Quality Supervisor

roger vanderkol

Product Management Professional

marion rabacchi

Enterprise Technical System

lisa paha

Global Product Manager

kent barrow

Value Stream Manager

jeff schertz

Vice President Operations

diane uehling

Manufacturing Supervisor

sean fink

Project Manager-MEIE

ryan seely

Field Test Manager

Frequent questions about DICKEY-john

How many employees does DICKEY-john have?
DICKEY-john has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is DICKEY-john's industry?
DICKEY-john is involved in the industry of electrical/electronic manufacturing.
Where is DICKEY-john headquarters located?
DICKEY-john is located in 5200 Dickey John Rd, Auburn, Illinois 62615, US
What is the website of DICKEY-john?
DICKEY-john official website at dickey-john.com

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