Clv group
We have been in business for over 45 years. We help people find the perfect place to call home.
Information about Clv group
real estate
Number of employees
485 Bank St. Ste. 200, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1Z2, CA
Company Categories
Real Estate), Building Material), Property Management), Apartment Rentals), FinTech), Financial Services), Construction and Development), Real Estate Brokerage), Insurance),Clv group executive employees
kelly dorval
Digital Marketing Manager
priscila carval
Property Manager
jacie levinson
Chairman Of the
giovanni piacit
Construction Project Manager
frederic beaudr
Project Manager
ed harambasic
Project Manager-
dominique quinn
Property Manager
dave mcgahan
Vice President of
dave hayward
Property Manager
cindy meskis
Property Manager
catalina arroyo
Construction Project Manager
alyssa barry
Senior Customer Care
aldo aquino
Property Operations Manager
rebecca peters
Property Operations Manager
michael agar
Property Manager
sebastian diaz-
Junior Architect
stefan misevski
Project Manager
moustafa houman
Construction Project Manager
mustafa rashid
Construction Project Manager
omar abbas
Property Operations Manager
nigel harding
Crew Leader Landscaping
roman zeyfman
Property Operations Manager
oz drewniak
marek kozlowski
Facilities Manager
katie doucette
Project Manager CLV
karolina craig
Director of Acquisitions-Montreal
joanna patlakas
Acquisitions Manager
Frequent questions about Clv group
How many employees does Clv group have?
Clv group has approximately 201-500 employees.
What is Clv group's industry?
Clv group is involved in the industry of real estate.
Where is Clv group headquarters located?
Clv group is located in 485 Bank St. Ste. 200, Ottawa, Ontario K2P 1Z2, CA
What is the website of Clv group?
Clv group official website at
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