
Speakman is a consumer goods company that provides shower and bath products.

Information about Speakman

consumer goods
Number of employees
51 Lacrue Ave, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania 19342, US

Company Categories

Plumbing & Hvac Equipment), Consumer Goods), Showerhead), Building Materials), Retail), Shower Heads), Manufacturing), Commerce and Shopping), Faucet), Sensor Faucet), Balance Pressure Valves), Low Flow Showerhead), Safety Shower), Emergency Equipment), Hotel showerhead), Water Conservation), Safety Eyewash),

Speakman executive employees

ben regester

Product Management Coordinator

matthew gavia

National Sales Manager

sharmin welch

Director Distribution Sales

steve fiedler

North Regional Sales

russell waters

Senior Finance and

melissa rivera

I.T Manager

keith plumley

rec supervisor

chris miedzius

Product Engineering Manager

chris miedzius

Product Engineering Manager

charlie zhuo

Quality Manager

ashley hadd

Strategy Development

scott tucker

South Regional Sales

robert knoll

President & CEO

jayne speakman

Head gardener

jack horner

Manufacturing Manager

Frequent questions about Speakman

How many employees does Speakman have?
Speakman has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Speakman's industry?
Speakman is involved in the industry of consumer goods.
Where is Speakman headquarters located?
Speakman is located in 51 Lacrue Ave, Glen Mills, Pennsylvania 19342, US
What is the website of Speakman?
Speakman official website at speakman.com

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