Frit ravich

Frit Ravich manufactures and distributes food products.

Information about Frit ravich

food & beverages
Number of employees
Cl. Riudellots, S/N, Plg Ind Puig Tio, Girona, Catalonia 17412, ES

Company Categories

Food and Beverage, Food Processing,

Frit ravich executive employees

melbourne ato


derby escalona

Business Relationship Manager

Frequent questions about Frit ravich

How many employees does Frit ravich have?
Frit ravich has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Frit ravich's industry?
Frit ravich is involved in the industry of food & beverages.
Where is Frit ravich headquarters located?
Frit ravich is located in Cl. Riudellots, S/N, Plg Ind Puig Tio, Girona, Catalonia 17412, ES
What is the website of Frit ravich?
Frit ravich official website at

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