Dubell lumber co.

DuBell Lumber Co. is a building materials company that offers lumber, building material, millwork products.

Information about Dubell lumber co.

building materials
Number of employees
Medford, US

Company Categories

Manufacturing, Miscellaneous Building Materials (Flooring, Cabinets, Etc.), Real Estate, Building Materials,

Dubell lumber co. executive employees

pamela clow

Director HR

wesley stinson

General Manager

gene dimedio


christine bacon

HR Manager

Frequent questions about Dubell lumber co.

How many employees does Dubell lumber co. have?
Dubell lumber co. has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Dubell lumber co.'s industry?
Dubell lumber co. is involved in the industry of building materials.
Where is Dubell lumber co. headquarters located?
Dubell lumber co. is located in Medford, US
What is the website of Dubell lumber co.?
Dubell lumber co. official website at dubell.com

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