Ace imagewear

Ace ImageWear is a business supplies company offering uniform rental, logo mats, mops, and microfiber products.

Information about Ace imagewear

business supplies and equipment
Number of employees
4120 Truman Rd, Kansas City, Missouri 64127, US

Company Categories

Rental - Other - Furniture, A/V, Construction & Industrial Equipment, E-Commerce, Managed Uniform Services, Retail, Commerce and Shopping, Managed Restroom Services, Real Estate, Safety Apparel Services, Mat, Towel and Apron Services, The Heilman Family Guarantee,

Ace imagewear executive employees

tyler anderson

Operations Manager

tom heilman

General Manager-Owner

steve thompson

Regional Manager

rick ferguson

General Manager

john scarlett

Uniform and Facility

ed heilman

CEO and President

cliff havens

Branch Manager

cindy gunnels

Sales Manager

chris voght

District Sales Manager

chris owens

Sales Manager

brian jaimes

KC Sales Manager

Frequent questions about Ace imagewear

How many employees does Ace imagewear have?
Ace imagewear has approximately 501-1000 employees.
What is Ace imagewear's industry?
Ace imagewear is involved in the industry of business supplies and equipment.
Where is Ace imagewear headquarters located?
Ace imagewear is located in 4120 Truman Rd, Kansas City, Missouri 64127, US
What is the website of Ace imagewear?
Ace imagewear official website at

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