
ContactPigeon is all about the true value of analytics and how they can be used to add value to everyday marketing campaigns.

Information about Contactpigeon

information technology and services
Number of employees
25 Pentelis Avenue, Athen, Attiki 15233, GR

Company Categories

Information Services, Marketing Automation, Information Technology, Multi-channel campaigns, Internet, Customer Segmentation, Internet Services, Ecommerce Retention, SaaS, Website personalization, Software, Ecommerce Analytics,

Contactpigeon executive employees

marialena arvan

Junior Customer Success

isidora levanti

Senior Customer Success

elena gipali

Senior Account Executive

Frequent questions about Contactpigeon

How many employees does Contactpigeon have?
Contactpigeon has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Contactpigeon's industry?
Contactpigeon is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Contactpigeon headquarters located?
Contactpigeon is located in 25 Pentelis Avenue, Athen, Attiki 15233, GR
What is the website of Contactpigeon?
Contactpigeon official website at

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