Koppert biological systems

Koppert Biological Systems is world market leader in biological crop protection and natural pollination for professional agriculture.

Information about Koppert biological systems

Number of employees
Veilingweg 14, Berkel en Rodenrij, South Holland, NL

Company Categories

Agriculture, Crops, Biological crop protection, Agriculture and Farming, Natural pollination with bumblebees and flies, Biotechnology, Resilient cultivation, Science and Engineering, Pest and disease monitoring, Consultancy and training, Research and development, Application devices for distribution of biologicals, Biostimulants,

Koppert biological systems executive employees

laura tackett

Director of Operations

mehmet bulut

General Manager

rené ruiter


frédéric favrot

Managing Director

kishor gosavi

Sales Manager-Maharashtra-India

kristine blum

Product Manager Outdoor

david neal

General Manager

chrissie davis

Account Manager Northern

andressa carnei

Sales Supervisor Sugar

amol joshi

Sales Manager Koppert

peter couwels

Business Unit Manager

rachel england

Head of Scientific

pravesh kumar

Sales Manager

ronald hoogerve

Head of Packaging

roman arkhipov

Managing Director Koppert

michelle zeigle

Production Manager

william pare

Facilities & Maintenance

gerrit janknegt

Business UnitManager Asia

gerben kooij

Project Manager

linda jiang

Business Manager China

hidde coehoorn

Project Engineer Innovation

jeremy webber

Consultant Team Leader

lv prasad

Sales Manager

Frequent questions about Koppert biological systems

How many employees does Koppert biological systems have?
Koppert biological systems has approximately 1001-5000 employees.
What is Koppert biological systems's industry?
Koppert biological systems is involved in the industry of farming.
Where is Koppert biological systems headquarters located?
Koppert biological systems is located in Veilingweg 14, Berkel en Rodenrij, South Holland, NL
What is the website of Koppert biological systems?
Koppert biological systems official website at koppert.com

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