A Million Ads

A Million Ads provides dynamic audio advertising for users of digital radio and streaming services.

Information about A Million Ads

marketing and advertising
Number of employees
136 High Holborn, London, Greater London WC1V 6PX, GB

Company Categories

Advertising & Marketing, Advertising, Digital Advertising, Business Services, Sales and Marketing, Creative Advertising Services, Audio, Dynamic Personalisation, Media and Entertainment, Dynamic Creative, Music and Audio, Digital Media, Marketing,

A Million Ads executive employees

tyler vanderval

Senior Account Executive

steve dunlop

Founder of A

stefan regelous

Senior Technical Operations

rachel guttman

Sales Director

peter anthony

Senior Account Manager

paul kelly

Chief Revenue Officer

oli ash

Senior Account Manager

matthew taverna

Sales Director A

matthew kirby

Senior Creative Producer

laura douthwait

Campaign Manager

evanne abneri

Sales Marketing and

dana hilgers

Senior Account Manager

andrew giannott

Senior Campaign Manager

Frequent questions about A Million Ads

How many employees does A Million Ads have?
A Million Ads has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is A Million Ads's industry?
A Million Ads is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is A Million Ads headquarters located?
A Million Ads is located in 136 High Holborn, London, Greater London WC1V 6PX, GB
What is the website of A Million Ads?
A Million Ads official website at amillionads.com

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