Second home

Second Home owns and operates an office space for entrepreneurs and creative businesses.

Information about Second home

recreational facilities and services
Number of employees
68-80 Hanbury Street, London, England E1 5JL, UK

Company Categories

Coworking, Workspace, Software Development & Design, Real Estate, Cultural events, Software, Recreation, Creative businesses, Sports, Entrepreneurship, Social Entrepreneurship, Talks, Community and Lifestyle, Community,

Second home executive employees

magnus mulvany

Facilities Manager

luke somerset

Global Head of

kimberley hibbe

Head of Development

katya khazei

Global Marketing Director

clémence billou

Head of Sales

andrew oliver

Business Development

Frequent questions about Second home

How many employees does Second home have?
Second home has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Second home's industry?
Second home is involved in the industry of recreational facilities and services.
Where is Second home headquarters located?
Second home is located in 68-80 Hanbury Street, London, England E1 5JL, UK
What is the website of Second home?
Second home official website at

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