
Modu offers The Modu, a tiny modular cellular device that can be customized by connecting it with unique cell phone enclosures.

Information about Modu

Number of employees
17 Atir Yeda St, Kfar Saba, Central District 44643, IL

Company Categories

Mobile, Modu Manufactures The World’S Lightest Mobile Phone, Telecommunications, Hardware, Wireless,

Modu executive employees

jackson liu

Sourcing director

lionel sion

Sales Director

tal golan

HR Manager

oren izre'el

Project manager

ofer bustin

Project manager

kiran kaul


eli david

General Manager Japan

Frequent questions about Modu

How many employees does Modu have?
Modu has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Modu's industry?
Modu is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Modu headquarters located?
Modu is located in 17 Atir Yeda St, Kfar Saba, Central District 44643, IL
What is the website of Modu?
Modu official website at

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