Sam media

Sam Media provides advertising products, which include mobile apps, video and music streaming services.

Information about Sam media

Number of employees
Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 50450, MY

Company Categories

Toys & Games, Digital Marketing, Mobile Entertainment, Manufacturing, Sales and Marketing, Mobile Advertising, Advertising, Video Streaming, Content and Publishing, Media and Entertainment, Video,

Sam media executive employees

aman dawod

Country Manager-MENA

emmancipate mus

Senior Software Engineer

gani p

Head Of Information

eelune tee

Affiliate Management

winnie chew

Affiliate Marketing Manager-Mobile

shahar levi

Business Development Manager

reema aima

Manager Marketing Operations

mohamad okal

Director of Products

marnix beugel

Co-owner Sam Media

lenny suppiah

Business Development Manager

laurent rely

Business Development Director-Carri

kudakwashe sham

Head Of Design

jim jeffrey

Director of Photography

brandon yuen

Marketing Manager

abhay singh

Product Lead

Frequent questions about Sam media

How many employees does Sam media have?
Sam media has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Sam media's industry?
Sam media is involved in the industry of telecommunications.
Where is Sam media headquarters located?
Sam media is located in Jalan Ampang, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur 50450, MY
What is the website of Sam media?
Sam media official website at

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