Maclachlan & donaldson

MacLachlan & Donaldson is an Intellectual Property (IP) firm located in Ireland.

Information about Maclachlan & donaldson

law practice
Number of employees
Unit 10, 4075 Kingswood Rd., Citywest Business Campu, Dublin, Leinster D24, IE

Company Categories

Law Firms & Legal Services, Industrial Design, Design, Hardware, Intellectual Property, Professional Services,

Maclachlan & donaldson executive employees

peter maclachla

Director Trade Mark

carla maclachla

Director Irish Trade

Frequent questions about Maclachlan & donaldson

How many employees does Maclachlan & donaldson have?
Maclachlan & donaldson has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Maclachlan & donaldson's industry?
Maclachlan & donaldson is involved in the industry of law practice.
Where is Maclachlan & donaldson headquarters located?
Maclachlan & donaldson is located in Unit 10, 4075 Kingswood Rd., Citywest Business Campu, Dublin, Leinster D24, IE
What is the website of Maclachlan & donaldson?
Maclachlan & donaldson official website at

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