
Cubellis is an architecture and planning firm based in Massachusetts.

Information about Cubellis

architecture & planning
Number of employees
281 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210, US

Company Categories

Consulting, Architecture, Architecture, Engineering & Design, Interiors, Construction, Engineering, Residential, Workplace Solutions, Retail, Mixed-Use, Hospitality, Government, Municipal, Land Development, Building Envelope, Academic,

Cubellis executive employees

cudjoe kubuafor


hong bach

Principal & Managing

wesley hoover

Senior Project Manager

peter bowman

Director of Building

neil rouleau

Vice President of

michael ennis

Manager of Corporate

Frequent questions about Cubellis

How many employees does Cubellis have?
Cubellis has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Cubellis's industry?
Cubellis is involved in the industry of architecture & planning.
Where is Cubellis headquarters located?
Cubellis is located in 281 Summer Street, Boston, MA 02210, US
What is the website of Cubellis?
Cubellis official website at

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