
WISC-TV is a TV station operating in Madison and Southern Wisconsin.

Information about Wisc-tv

broadcast media
Number of employees
7025 Raymond Rd, Madison, Wisconsin 53719, US

Company Categories

Broadcasting, Television Stations, Media and Entertainment, Digital Media, Media & Internet, Video, Community Involvement, Sales and Marketing,

Wisc-tv executive employees

brennon hechimo

Senior Production Coordinator

dennis ceolla

Owner WISC

neil heinen

Editorial Director

tim mccaffrey

Senior Multi Media

sarah gray

News Director

rick blum

Assignment Manager

ralph cohen

Director of Sales

neil heinen

Editorial Director

matthew simpson

Director of Sales-WISC

kevin ruppert

Engineering Maintenance Supervisor

kelly bryant

Regional Sales Manager

kathy reinhard

Producer Director Program

justine davis

Newscast Director

jay wilson

Sports Director

chris haywood

Owner WISC

anna colline

Warehouse Supervisor

aimin guo


Frequent questions about Wisc-tv

How many employees does Wisc-tv have?
Wisc-tv has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Wisc-tv's industry?
Wisc-tv is involved in the industry of broadcast media.
Where is Wisc-tv headquarters located?
Wisc-tv is located in 7025 Raymond Rd, Madison, Wisconsin 53719, US
What is the website of Wisc-tv?
Wisc-tv official website at channel3000.com

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