Higher Ground Gear

Higher Ground has protected and enhanced education technology for nearly two decades.

Information about Higher Ground Gear

Number of employees
134 S Industrial, Saline, Michigan 48176, US

Company Categories

Education, Ipad Cases For K:12 Technology Programs, Chromebook cases for K:12 technology programs, Laptop Cases of K:12 technology Programs,

Higher Ground Gear executive employees

gavin raitt

Regional Sales Director-North

lynn gorecki

Customer Relationship Manager

rick t.

Director of Sales

matt rogers

Director of Operations

Frequent questions about Higher Ground Gear

How many employees does Higher Ground Gear have?
Higher Ground Gear has approximately 1-10 employees.
What is Higher Ground Gear's industry?
Higher Ground Gear is involved in the industry of design.
Where is Higher Ground Gear headquarters located?
Higher Ground Gear is located in 134 S Industrial, Saline, Michigan 48176, US
What is the website of Higher Ground Gear?
Higher Ground Gear official website at hggear.com

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