Hjaltelin stahl

Hjaltelin Stahl operates as a creative agency.

Information about Hjaltelin stahl

marketing and advertising
Number of employees
Vestergade 10B, 3, København K, Capital Region 1456, DK

Company Categories

Advertising, Advertising & Marketing, Consulting Services (B2B), Business Services, Media and Information Services (B2B), Sales and Marketing, Direct Marketing, Creative Agency, Digital Communication, Content and Publishing, Social, Media and Entertainment, Tactical, Marketing, Trade, Dialogue & CRM, Film Production, Branding, Creative Development,

Hjaltelin stahl executive employees

malene olsen

Account Manager hos

tim pashen

Creative Lead

stine jørgensen

Senior Account Manager

nicolai stahl

Owner hjaltelin Stahl

katrine berling

Senior Account Manager

jens nørup

Account Manager Martech

henrik snoer

Senior Customer Experience

emilie gierahn

Account Manager hos

alexander sekja

Head of Content

Frequent questions about Hjaltelin stahl

How many employees does Hjaltelin stahl have?
Hjaltelin stahl has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Hjaltelin stahl's industry?
Hjaltelin stahl is involved in the industry of marketing and advertising.
Where is Hjaltelin stahl headquarters located?
Hjaltelin stahl is located in Vestergade 10B, 3, København K, Capital Region 1456, DK
What is the website of Hjaltelin stahl?
Hjaltelin stahl official website at hjaltelinstahl.com

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