Compri Consulting

Compri Consulting is an information technology (IT) services firm providing solutions to private and public sector organizations.

Information about Compri Consulting

information technology and services
Number of employees
2601 Blake St. Ste. 400, Denver, Colorado 80205, US

Company Categories

Software Development & Design, Software,

Compri Consulting executive employees

tom melaragno

President & CEO

steve pavlik

Project Manager

paul russell

Director of Business

melissa mcfarla

Manager Client Accounts

maria guiliani

Account Manager

lori armiger

Senior Technical Recruiter

katie jackson

Senior IT Recruiter

john hutchins

Senior Manager

jason maggard

Director of Recruiting

Frequent questions about Compri Consulting

How many employees does Compri Consulting have?
Compri Consulting has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Compri Consulting's industry?
Compri Consulting is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Compri Consulting headquarters located?
Compri Consulting is located in 2601 Blake St. Ste. 400, Denver, Colorado 80205, US
What is the website of Compri Consulting?
Compri Consulting official website at

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