Bio-one inc

Crime and trauma scene cleaning company

Information about Bio-one inc

environmental services
Number of employees
58 Snyder Ave. Ste. 37118, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19148, US

Company Categories

Waste Treatment, Environmental Services & Recycling, Internet, Crime Scene Cleanup, Energy, Utilities & Waste Treatment, Internet Services, Biohazard Cleanup, Hoarding Cleanup,

Bio-one inc executive employees

sandy zalac

Operations Manager

sandi ellis


daved czubyk

Operations Supervisor

chyna irvine

Managing Technician

charlotte snels

operations manager-Bio-one of

Frequent questions about Bio-one inc

How many employees does Bio-one inc have?
Bio-one inc has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Bio-one inc's industry?
Bio-one inc is involved in the industry of environmental services.
Where is Bio-one inc headquarters located?
Bio-one inc is located in 58 Snyder Ave. Ste. 37118, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19148, US
What is the website of Bio-one inc?
Bio-one inc official website at

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