Xanadu consultancy

Xanadu Consultancy is based in Cork with a branch office in London.

Information about Xanadu consultancy

information technology and services
Number of employees
Blackpool Retail Park, Cork, Munster NW5 1TL, IE

Company Categories

Management Consulting), Consulting), Java development), Business Services), Cloud hosting), HTML5 & CSS3), Mobile application development),

Xanadu consultancy executive employees

matteo dri

Software Engineer Technical

Frequent questions about Xanadu consultancy

How many employees does Xanadu consultancy have?
Xanadu consultancy has approximately 51-200 employees.
What is Xanadu consultancy's industry?
Xanadu consultancy is involved in the industry of information technology and services.
Where is Xanadu consultancy headquarters located?
Xanadu consultancy is located in Blackpool Retail Park, Cork, Munster NW5 1TL, IE
What is the website of Xanadu consultancy?
Xanadu consultancy official website at xanaduconsultancy.com

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