Waterline projects

Waterline Projects Pty Ltd is a engineering and project delivery company offering engineering design & drafting, project management.

Information about Waterline projects

oil & energy
Number of employees
138 Mary St, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, AU

Company Categories

Commercial & Residential Construction), Hazardous Areas - Design, Classification & Audit), Construction), Engineering Design (RPEQ)), Control Systems), Renewable System Design), HV Power Systems - Analysis, Protection & Audit), Project Management & Commissioning), Drawing Management), Drafting),

Waterline projects executive employees

warren pickerin

Business Development Manager

trent talbot

Senior Structural Designer

tim strong

Operations Manager

steven cheyne

Operations Manager

rohan kemp

Senior Mechanical Designer

robert mchattie

Senior Structural Designer

neil o.

Project Manager

evelyn mejias

Senior Marketer

daniel harrison

Business Unit Team

Frequent questions about Waterline projects

How many employees does Waterline projects have?
Waterline projects has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is Waterline projects's industry?
Waterline projects is involved in the industry of oil & energy.
Where is Waterline projects headquarters located?
Waterline projects is located in 138 Mary St, Brisbane, Queensland 4000, AU
What is the website of Waterline projects?
Waterline projects official website at waterlineprojects.com

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