
BlitzMetrics creates Facebook dashboards and micro-targeted ad campaigns for brands.

Information about BlitzMetrics

Number of employees
1960 JOSLYN Pl, Boulder, Colorado 80304, US

Company Categories

Management Consulting, Advertising, Business Services, Sales and Marketing, Facebook, Platforms, Marketing,

BlitzMetrics executive employees

blake martin

Manager Marketing Automation

g'ralz olasiman

Senior Operations Manager

jared whitman

Operations Manager

william hanna

Director of Optimization

meljoe soliman

Junior Operations Specialist

max darby

Director of Content

daniel goodrich

Director Of Analytics

Frequent questions about BlitzMetrics

How many employees does BlitzMetrics have?
BlitzMetrics has approximately 11-50 employees.
What is BlitzMetrics's industry?
BlitzMetrics is involved in the industry of internet.
Where is BlitzMetrics headquarters located?
BlitzMetrics is located in 1960 JOSLYN Pl, Boulder, Colorado 80304, US
What is the website of BlitzMetrics?
BlitzMetrics official website at

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